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Hifz Program

Program Objectives

The Holy Qur’aan is the most widely read book in the history of mankind. It is also a great source of inspiration, guidance and wisdom for millions of Muslims all over the world. It is the essential point of imaan (faith), and important to the foundations of an Islamic society.
The Quran is the Holy Book of Islam in which Allah (SWT) has revealed all His teachings to the Muslims. It is every Muslim’s duty to read the Quran with correct tajweed (intonation), understand meaning, and apply it in everyday life. Memorizing whole or at least parts of the Quran is very important for Muslims; it is also a requirement for Salah (prayer).

  • Memorizing 2 days per week (hifz).

  • Periodic review of previously memorized verses (mourajaa).

  • Learning to recite with Tajweed.

  • Pronunciation characteristics of letters (makharej). 

  • Proper stopping and starting rules.

  • Involvement in Quran competitions.


Students learn to memorize the Holy Quran.  They can continue memorizing all 30 chapters or stop after any one or multiple chapters.


In Masjid

Saturday: 9am-1pm

Sunday: 9am-1pm


$30 per child

Click below to be charged automatically each month for 2 years or until you cancel!

Click below to be charged for a ONE TIME or ONE MONTH tuition!

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